Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014


They say:
"We accept the love we think we deserve."

I wonder
what that says about


Lovers' Moon

The wolf cried his lovesuit to the moon
the she-wolf would hear it.
Her howl cleft the moon in
Half, he gave to his other half, lighting her sky
beautiful and bright.
Half, He kept to himself for
safekeeping; silent and

Greater Good

of your sh at t ere d
I kiss
to make it
I cut my lips, tasted
my blood.
Nothing ever
tasted better.
My tongue burnt with
I wish I could say out
but I choked on my love and
I hope I kissed all your pain
At least your next
won't wither like me.
tomorrow will be a better

Gentle Theif

You stole my breath
so quickly;
didn't even bother to
clean up
the crime scene.

Your scent
on my cardigan still, and I
wonder perhaps
if you left behind something more
than what you

You, You, You, You

Hiding right under my nose;

Seek and ye shall find
Seek and ye shall find
Seek and ye shall find
Seek and ye shall find

Tunnel Vision;
1. A drastically narrowed field of vision, as in
looking through a tube.
Symptomatic of retinitis pigmentosa.

Seek and ye shall find
Seek and ye shall find
Seek and ye shall find
Seek and ye shall find

Stationary Nomad

the life long nomad
yearns to look back and see
saying:" come home soon."

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Dream Job

Third grade composition topic:
"Describe what is your dream job for when you grow up?"

       When I grow up, I'll be an astronaut! I'll have my own spaceship and I'll Zoom! fly off into the sky. I'll see all the stars and the planets. I'll go to Perseus and take love notes to the Andromeda galaxy for him, and then I'll come back to earth. When I come back to earth, I'll be a painter and paint Sunflowers and Starry Nights. I'll write poems, good poems, like, actual poetry worth reading and I'll learn lots and lots of words and I'll travel through pages and go to lands of ink and magic. I'll be an elephant keeper! yeah, that's my dream job, because elephants are cool! They are big but so much bigger on the inside! Did you know elephants can learn languages? They are so big and strong, but they die if their hearts break. how sad is that? not only do they never forget, they die if their love dies.

I think I know what my dream job is. Because after looking at the stars and skies and flowers and books and poems and elephants and everything beautiful there is, I think I just want to love you; for the rest of my life, and even after that. I want to love you until I die and my heart turns to dust and each dust-speck of my heart is in love with you. Best thing I could ever dream of.